Delete your account
Delete your account
Deleting your account will delete all your data: Notes, Checklist ... and revoke access to your Google Drive account. Deleted data cannot be retrieved.
Note: Before deleting your account, you should use the "Backup" feature to download all your notes and checklists to your device. You can then use the backup feature to "Restore" that data.
Do the following to delete your account
1. Open the Super Note
2. Select "Settings"
3. Select "Delete Account"
4. Agree with the account deletion information and select "Delete Account"
After deleting your account, all data in your apps: Note, Checklist...will be deleted. We will not beAfter deleting your account, all data in your apps: Note, Checklist...will be deleted. We will not be able to recover any data associated with that account.
Note: Before deleting your account, you should use the "Backup" feature to download all your notes and checklists to your device. You can then use the backup feature to "Restore" that data.